Industrial Lighting

Resources for Industrial Lighting Application

Industrial lighting has been revolutionized over the past two decades as solid-state lighting has replaced incandescent and fluorescent lights. The transition from costly, filament-powered, heat-generating legacy lighting systems with a short lifespan to fully customizable, highly efficient, durable, and long-lasting LEDs has impacted consumers and industry alike. From lighting development kits and LEDs to fixtures and lighting connectors, a TTI Specialist will help you ensure your lighting design is efficient and bright.

Advancements in LEDs have come a long way in just a decade—in 2009, LEDs operated at 50 lumens per watt, which was then considered cutting-edge efficiency, and today have a luminous efficiency above 100 lumens per watt. In 2013, the first LED bulb received an Energy Star certification, raising the bar for the technology and cementing its reputation as a cost-effective solution. As the technology improves and cost efficiency improves so does the mainstream adoption of LED technology.

The ability for LEDs to be powered by alternate energy sources such as supercapacitors instead of batteries is also groundbreaking, allowing for a much longer life and lower power usage and furthering advancements in energy-efficient emergency and motion-activated lighting. The improved reliability, efficient performance, and extensive customization capabilities of LEDs has bolstered entire industries, including general lighting, street lighting, indoor farming, solar power, and smart cities.

The future of lighting looks bright, LEDs are being combined with IoT connectivity capabilities for even more customization and control in the commercial and industrial space, and smart lighting has become the new norm. 

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